About this site

Hello and welcome to my pitch generator! This site is at its core, a very personal practice aid. As a practicing saxophonist, I spend a LOT of time playing long tones. I'm sure if you are a fellow wind instrumentalist you do to. In which case I hope you find this site useful!
Here is a quick breakdown of what you can do on each page.

Tone Generator

This page generates pure tones of any frequency between 8hz and ~21,618hz. Please note that the average human can't hear tones below 20Hz and above 10,000Hz and if you turn up the volume to compensate YOU COULD DAMAGE YOUR HEARING. You an add additional tone generators with the Add Tone Generator button. You can also automatically create generators that correspond to either the first three or first four overtones in the overtone series with the Generate Overtone Presets button. You can change the wave type from sine to square, triangle or sawtooth by pressing the sine button. The plus and minus buttons add +/-1 to the Hz value and the divison and multiplication buttons halve or double the Hz value respectively. Hz values are showed as approximate, but if you click on the Hz value itself, you can see the full value as well as setting it manually to whatever you'd like. The displayed pitch name shows the nearest pitch to your current frequency. Click on it to automatically change the frequency to that pitch.

Random Sequence Generator

This page began as a favor for a friend. Guitarist Dustin Carlson and I were on tour a few years ago, and he showed me a site he used to practice. It was a rather simple affair. It played random pitches from within a two octave range. Dustin bemoaned the fact that it would not play tones outside of this limited range. Thus the Random Sequence Generator was born. You are able to set the lower and upper pitch limits of the range manually or by using the instrument selector (if you are lucky enough to play one of the few instruments I've added). Then you can choose the number of pitches to play in a sequence, the speed in beats per minute (BPM) and whether to play an infinite series of pitches, or a single sequence. If you choose the infinite option, the Random Sequence Generator will play a rest at your BPM between each sequence of pitches.

Using the Advanced Controls, you can do the following:
  • See each pitch as it plays or see a running list of all the pitches played
  • Play anywhere from 1-4 intervals at once
  • Choose to limit the set of pitches from which the player randomly chooses to any major or minor mode as well as a few symmetrical scales


This page is yet another long tone practice aid. Sometimes, instead of playing with the cold, harsh pure tones generated by the Tone Generator, I prefer the warmth of a Tanpura. Choose a key and play ~20 minutes of tanpura drones in that key


If you have any questions/comments/concerns or feature requests, it never hurts to ask: ben[at]bencohen.dev